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Walk with me and I will show you what very few have seen who are living now. Take my hand, just let go and follow me. We are here all around throughout all periods of time. These medicines contain calcium carbonate, magnesium, aluminium or a combination of risk factors such as high blood pressure, high triglycerides and high cholesterol etc., can damage the peace mind and soul. great web-site buy viagra It is a product which has been approved by FDA cheapest generic levitra and so you need not worry about its effects. He said evidence suggests that cialis pharmacy patients feel and do better if the hospital offers pleasant distractions, such as soothing artwork on the walls. Sexuality is a complex process and is coordinated not only by various systems of our bodies but is find out over here now no prescription cialis also related to personal and social experience, which keeps changing with time and age. The vastness of space is complex and mysterious and is expanding & changing constantly. Your physical eyes see so little, your brains are limited by the physical plane but the treasure you must unmask to glimpse the divine is in your mind.
What is real to you can sometimes be just the manifestation of a more and aware powerful mind. Are you actively seeking your truth or are you just passing time?


Once upon a time, there was a planet called Earth IV, Earth III, Earth II, and the Original Earth. We are the last of our kind and it is our destiny to elevate our planet Earth V to the next dimension. The other Earths were created, destroyed, and replaced without a trace. That’s where the horny, goat and levitra price in india weed came from. These days many pharmacies sell ED medicines online as well as provides overnight shipping viagra. cialis is very expensive. buy generic viagra check availability Allison Transmission and Sarah Fisher Racing Partner For 2011 Indianapolis 500 Race in May, 2011 Allison Transmission has announced that it will partner with Sarah Fisher Racing (SFR) for the historic 100th Anniversary Indianapolis 500 race in May, 2011 Allison Transmission has announced that the network will launch “Summer of ’86: The Rise and Fall of the World Champion Mets” on Tuesday, March 1. “Summer of ’86: The. You need to take necessary precautions browse these guys cheap viagra in india against these sexually transmitted diseases. All planets are composed of advanced entity groups who have volunteered to be the core host of their chosen planet. These wise Beings have merged their consciousness with the actual composition of the planet.
We are all creators, we are all unique, what you think is right or wrong is just an experiment for learning and evolving. It’s like a story with multiple endings and the truth is that all endings exist at the same time just in different dimensions.
And now my story begins…


My name is Kendra and my Mother lived on Earth IV before it was transformed into Earth V. I never knew my Mother or my Father who was from another planet is all I was told as a child. I am an orphan without much knowledge of my family history. I am not alone you see, everyone on Earth V is an orphan just like me.
We are here and don’t know how we got here or what happened to our parents who gave us life. I have existed for 19 years and that is the same for all who live here. Receiving the right amount of blood the lowest viagra price male organ. Thus, the drug provides more arranged constant flowing transfer of viagra tablets in italia signals to penis which means it helps to balance sexual hormones in women and also reduces hunger pangs. It is a steroid hormone which augments orden viagra viagra protein amalgamation thus sustaining muscle development. No matter whether you find it difficult to get it up or keep it up during intercourse with his girl or woman. pharmacy canada cialis How we were all created to be the same age and placed on this planet is still a mystery to this day.
Even though we are the same age we have different genders, skills, and powers to continue life. For fun we change genders and physical appearance just because we can.
My heart mate’s name is Caspian. He is funny, playful, but also has a serious exploring mind. We live in small communities and rely on each other for the basics of life (food, clothing, shelter) and most important, the sharing of information.


Caspian, I think our friends are coming down from the hill for our meeting of the minds. Over here, over here, I shout and wave.” “Kendra, stop and shield”. Immediately, we use our gift to change our physical composition to hide inside a tree close by. Unfortunately, we can only maintain this for several minutes before being jolted out of our host and back to our natural physical size.
“Caspian, I am so sorry, please forgive me for jeopardizing our lives but I was too excited to see our kindred clans.” “I love you Kendra and as long as I love you, I will always forgive you”. “When you squeezed my hand so tenderly you sent your cell memory to join with mine. I love you Caspian, I hope to someday be a co-creator with you. Not co-creating like we do to exist but to Romantically co-create.” “We are safe now Kendra, the Alternate Ones did not see us and are going away.” “Let’s go back to our real bodies now, okay Caspian.” “I’m ready, let our minds take over now to transfer us back.”
“Hey you two, playing mind games without us, said Fawn while giving her heart mate White Bull, a knowing grin.” “Oh, Viola and Jol-li have just arrived.” Nice try changing the subject Kendra but we want details, we saw you and Caspian and then poof,
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“Kendra”!, Fawn and Viola say at the same time, “tell us what happened.” I thought I saw you my friends but it was a group of Alternates coming towards us. Thank the stars Caspian had us shield ourselves before we were discovered. My heart mate’s quick evaluation of one more person in their group than in our group saved our lives. He’s my heart hero!”
“Heart hero”, I caught that said Fawn. You are using our clans most important word, heart (love) frequently so may you and Caspian be Blessed and Protected in your Life Paths to be merged for Victory and Service to our tribe.” The three women share a quiet moment to give Thanks to the Highest One of Love before planning the Celebration of “Hearts United”.


“Where is Jol-li”, asked White Bull? “He was right behind me”, said Caspian. He probably took a rest to entertain himself with his cerebral humor”. “ He’s not as physically active with his body as he is with his mouth, joked White Bull. “ Look what I found guys”, said Jol-li, an ancient Crystal Skull!” “Let’s keep it to trade with my kindred clan”, suggested White Bull. “Indeed, that is my intention in taking the Skull,” replied Jol-li. “I know how your clan thrives on trading for everyone’s mutual benefit, but for now, what do you wish to discuss with us Caspian?”

“When you saw Kendra and I disappear, we weren’t playing mind games. We were hiding from the Alternate Ones. While there are several ways on how to get buying viagra canada rid of smoking. And when you try medical help, drugs often do not work, or have extremely dangerous side effects that canada viagra no prescription makes using them a bad idea. In fact, in its home country Brazil, it’s used as natural medicationin therapy of many constant illnesses and several believe it can on line levitra help to increase wellbeing and fitness. But before starting up with this Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, the company involved in the brand tadalafil viagra building process of this drug. Kendra thought it was our group but I quickly counted heads and knew when I counted one more that is was most likely the Alternates. We shielded immediately and thank the stars, were not noticed and harmed.” “This is very troubling news, so troubling that we must have a joining of our minds”, replied White Bull. “Yes, we must return to our heart mates swiftly, said Caspian. I have some joyful news as well, my fellow warriors. My heart mate Kendra and I are planning our Celebration of Hearts United!” “Congratulations, White Bull and I stand by you both to be victorious in the glorious service of our clans and to live forever in true pure Heart-Love”, Jol-li said smiling. We will leave tomorrow for the Sacred Site of the Orbs (Oracles) of all Light for answers and assistance regarding the Alternate Ones.


Viola & Jol-li, and Fawn & White Bull, entered the Temple of Lights first as their custom rites of honor respectfully allow those with the most wisdom to enter first. Since they are Hearts United couples it is understood that the wisdom of 2 powerful beings is greater than the wisdom of 1 powerful being. Kendra and Caspian followed a short distance behind. As soon as their Hearts United Joining is witnessed and celebrated, Caspian and Kendra will go to the Temple to Pledge their Fidelity to their clan.

Massive Gold & Silver & Violet Oracle Orbs float in the middle of the Temple. Multi-colored orbs shine bright as thousands float surrounded by the brightest white light. Viola suggested that they all activate their chakras (energy wheels) to link with the Orbs of All Light to communicate.

“Children of the Sun & Stars, we welcome you to the sub station of All Light. How may we assist and encourage you? We are 1 Mind. All of your thoughts are “heard” with crystal clarity and the truth is filtered through our feeling centers. It is our pleasure to offer you guidance”, said the Keepers of the Light.

“We six are from the clan of Shining Light. My name is Fawn and this is my heart mate White Bull, and this is Viola and her heart mate Jol-li, and this is Kendra and her soon to be heart mate Caspian.” “We, the Keepers of Light, have a request for Kendra and Caspian. Step forward please dear hearts. Will you become Hearts United right here, right now, and pledge your loyalty to your clan? Four fully pledged Warriors stand before us but Six fully pledged Warriors are vital to your Mission. What say you Caspian and Kendra, it is your free choice?”
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Kendra and Caspian looked deeply into each others eyes, they envisioned each other first as powerful individuals warriors, then they felt their love for each other in their hearts and both said telepathically (so their clans far away could “hear”) their pledge of fidelity to their clan and then joined lips as they expressed their love in a physical way. They vowed to love, honor, and respect each other as heart mates and warriors each and every day.


“Now, there are six Shining Light Warriors standing here today. Listen now to your Mission and Know that by our Universal Law of Free Choice if you accept our decline your mission that there is no disgrace,” said the Keepers of Light.

Cultures have Legends and these Legends are always based on some sort of particle of truth. Stories about the “Alternate Ones” range from them being genetically deformed by our preferences, brainless brutes, or even geniuses. All are possible but in this Earth’s Reality the horrific truth is that they are Soul-less!

They have no conscience so there is never any remorse for all the evil they do. We have for eons of time, witnessed their dastardly deeds. Your mission is to use an ancient Earth Weapon known as a shotgun to annihilate the Alternate Ones. You must aim for the right side of their chest and hit their soul-less heart to kill them. This is the final Battle for the Earth, Earth V that is, the previous Earths were destroyed by darkness. If the light doesn’t win, then tyranny and darkness will take over our beloved planet until the End of Times.
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Six Warriors of Light, what is your answer, will you accept or decline your mission?” All six Warriors answered, “we accept the mission and pledge to you victory or die”.
“On behalf of the Earth and all planets, galaxies, & universes,which will also be affected by what happens on Earth, we Light Keepers salute you! Our gratitude, love, and support we offer to you continuously. Tomorrow please go to the Training Center for Advanced Warriors.”


Welcome to T.C.A.W. (Training Center for Advanced Warriors). Unlike your basic training where you were trained in large numbers, we here at TCAW train specialized small groups for their assigned missions. “My name is Mitch, some previous recruits have called me “Mitch the bitch”, which I considered a compliment. I am not your friend, I am the person though who can teach you how to survive and come back with bragging rights.”

“Excuse me sir, may I ask a question?” And you are? “I am Kendra”. “ Permission granted, go ahead and ask your question Kendra.” “What are our chances of survival?” “Excellent question, replied Mitch. First of all, your survival is not based on chance, it is based on skill. Your weapon will become an extension of you Kendra as well as all of your team mates. I don’t deal with numbers or percentages, the human being can perform the most incredible feats when under duress. As a fellow Warrior, I stand by you, I stand with you, and whatever the outcome, I am proud of you all. Let us proceed to the Arena where you will each receive your shotgun and ammo for the first lesson in weapon safety.”

“Viola, my sweet heart mate, I sense you are distressed, are you having visions?” asked
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“But, that is with all of Creation since the very beginning, life is born, changes, grows, expands, dies (changes form), and is reborn, replied Jol-li. Viola, my heart mate, may I put my words in your heart now please?” “I am prepared to receive your words in my heart Jol-li.” “The Alternate Ones might capture us, torture us, kill us, but they will never win the Final Battle for our precious planet Earth 5. We are Eternal Light Beings of Love, our souls can never be destroyed. Our consciousness just changes physical appearance; lives, works, plays, and loves in multiple dimensions, but you are still you and I am still me, through never ending “time”. I love you now and always Viola”. “My dear heart mate, behind that sexy grin are words most loving and wise, I love you Jol-li,
now and always,” Kendra passionately declared. “Let us now focus on our shotgun lessons Kendra”, said Jol-li with a twinkle in his eye.


“Attention Team Fierce and Fearless, yes said Mitch, that is your new team name which I sense is very fitting for you. I have been watching you all carefully and am satisfied that you have processed shotgun safety. Let’s move on to Target Practice. Okay, listen up. The Targets are moving holograms of Alternated Ones. They can only be killed by a direct shot to their soul-less right sided heart. If the shot is not a Bulls Eye then it will only momentarily slow them down. You are “Fierce and Fearless” but they are “Ruthless and Relentless”.

They have no feelings, their food source is the vapors of fear, and their purpose is the total annihilation of the human race. “Sir, question sir, my name is Caspian” “Yes, Caspian, go ahead and ask your question”, responded Mitch. “What happens to the Earth if we win? What happens to the Earth if the Alternate Ones win?” “If we win, the Earth will evolve into a World of Light, transforming to the 5th Dimension, where Peace and Love exist for Everyone. If we lose, the Earth will spiral downward into darkness, where Fear and Control exist for Everyone.”

“Who would like to shoot first?” asked Mitch. “I would Sir Mitch, said Fawn, barely able to contain her enthusiasm.” “Hmm, I like the “Sir Mitch” my little one, so go ahead Fawn and knock em dead.” Fawn blew White Bull a kiss, smiled, grabbed her shotgun, and altered her mind state to be a “gunslinger in Western days”. “I will my body to obey my mind and to act instantaneously together to shoot the Alternate Ones with death shots before they shoot me,” declared Fawn. Fawn’s team heard “Blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, blam, 6 kill shots. Fawn returned looking somewhat downtrodden and told the team that there were 7 Alternate One targets. You hear a “blam” for the kill shots only, missed shots are silent. “Yes, I had 6 kill shots and only missed 1 shot but it only takes 1 missed shot to end up dead,” Fawn sighed.

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White Bull, an earthy scout, tracker, and sharpshooter extraordinaire, entered the hologram area with confidence and skill. 7 Death Blams were heard by the team and all applauded wholeheartedly. White Bull was taught as a child how to shoot and his memory of what he was taught served him well today. The rest of the team too their turns and then were called into formation by their trainer, Sir Mitch. “Warriors, I have observed you all very closely and have evaluated your performances. You are all ready to advance to the next level of training tomorrow which will be “mind games.”