Later that evening back at camp… “I wonder what everyone’s special power is said Caspian who then realized he spoke his thought out loud?” “Well Caspian, Kendra spoke up, we have the same gift that hid us from the Alternates but I, too, am curious about our Team mates.” “Let us sit around the campfire and smoke from the herbal pipe of enlightenment,” said White Bull. My friends and fellow warriors, my special power is to transform into a real, (not the fictional biggest ape of all time) but, the living mega- sized King Kong! I can stomp the Alternates and shoot them in their soul-less heart but they have the advantage of being agile and swift moving.” “Fawn, do you care to share your power with us?” inquired Viola. “Well, my special power isn’t being a deer but I am blessed with becoming a mega-sized Raven. I can look from high above and locate our adversaries so we are not ambushed”, explained Fawn.

“Look everyone, said Kendra, a Hologram!” “Greetings Warriors, I am Sienna, heart mate of your trainer Mitch. I will transport you through my mind waves back to the Training Center at the completion of your Mission. Each one of you must report to me daily your location through your thought waves. It isn’t safe to use technology since the Alternate Ones can tap into any technological activity easily. The purpose of the “mind games” which you start at dawn is a playful way to boost your natural psychic genetic code. “May the symbol of Infinity” (the horizontal number 8) give you strength, endurance, and stamina my “Fierce and Fearless Warriors,” Adieu.

“So, I will tell you what my special power is now. I can instantaneously heal myself except to continue my heart beating when it is my time to depart to the next existence” confided Jol-li. “Go ahead Viola, tell our friends about your powers”. “I can become the 4 elements of fire, water, earth, and air to defend myself but not to harm others.”
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“Trust is the most important virtue we all must have to be victorious in our Mission, stated Fawn. Without trust we will surely fail and our home, the Earth 5, will by ruled by tyrants without mercy. To trust our very lives to the whole group instead of our own individual skills will be a most challenging obstacle.”

“Let us stand and raise our shotguns and have a toast”, suggested Caspian. “Your idea Casp so your toast”, replied Jol-li. “Okay, “Fierce and Fearless Warriors”, may our individual skills be joined as a whole to defeat those monsters without souls. United we stand in victory or united we fall in defeat, our 6 hearts and souls are ready for war.”

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