Welcome to T.C.A.W. (Training Center for Advanced Warriors). Unlike your basic training where you were trained in large numbers, we here at TCAW train specialized small groups for their assigned missions. “My name is Mitch, some previous recruits have called me “Mitch the bitch”, which I considered a compliment. I am not your friend, I am the person though who can teach you how to survive and come back with bragging rights.”
“Excuse me sir, may I ask a question?” And you are? “I am Kendra”. “ Permission granted, go ahead and ask your question Kendra.” “What are our chances of survival?” “Excellent question, replied Mitch. First of all, your survival is not based on chance, it is based on skill. Your weapon will become an extension of you Kendra as well as all of your team mates. I don’t deal with numbers or percentages, the human being can perform the most incredible feats when under duress. As a fellow Warrior, I stand by you, I stand with you, and whatever the outcome, I am proud of you all. Let us proceed to the Arena where you will each receive your shotgun and ammo for the first lesson in weapon safety.”
“Viola, my sweet heart mate, I sense you are distressed, are you having visions?” asked
They conducted speech competition, essay writing competition, fancy dress competition and many other such social activities. viagra without side effects It ruins any romantic relationship and brings trouble in conjugal paradise. generico cialis on line Read Full Article buy viagra It can be examined at different level that comprises psychology and medical reason. Zenegra Sildenafil Citrate 100mg is the most happening medical course bargain prices viagra prices that makes eradicating erectile dysfunction (Ed) easier. Jol-li. “Yes I am, my heart love. I see many possibilities and outcomes of our Mission.”
“But, that is with all of Creation since the very beginning, life is born, changes, grows, expands, dies (changes form), and is reborn, replied Jol-li. Viola, my heart mate, may I put my words in your heart now please?” “I am prepared to receive your words in my heart Jol-li.” “The Alternate Ones might capture us, torture us, kill us, but they will never win the Final Battle for our precious planet Earth 5. We are Eternal Light Beings of Love, our souls can never be destroyed. Our consciousness just changes physical appearance; lives, works, plays, and loves in multiple dimensions, but you are still you and I am still me, through never ending “time”. I love you now and always Viola”. “My dear heart mate, behind that sexy grin are words most loving and wise, I love you Jol-li,
now and always,” Kendra passionately declared. “Let us now focus on our shotgun lessons Kendra”, said Jol-li with a twinkle in his eye.