Each one of us is a puzzle piece to a living jigsaw puzzle. We can choose our puzzle piece to either
brighten or darken the completed picture. Focusing on yourself and what qualities you wish to contribute
will bring you satisfaction and purpose. During uncertain times when you don’t recognize and feel safe
in your World it’s even more important to be detached and look within. Not only does everyone experience
their own reality but also their own illusions. Restlessness is a symptom that all is not well.
As a Vibrational Being you pick up the vibrations of others and this can cause you to be in a good or bad
mood. Then, how you and others feel can cause a domino effect which spreads to many either uplifting or
You do not want to be a missing piece of the puzzle by withdrawing from life. Your talents and participation help to make the puzzle whole. There is great strength in the inter-locking pieces made
up of family, friends, and those who are like-minded. Our jigsaw puzzle is created by ALL of our thoughts
and actions. The scene of this puzzle is every continent and all inhabitants and how each and every one
of us affects the picture. No two puzzle pieces are the same and all are of equal importance. Whether
you are part of the main scene or background or borders, you are creating the quality and culture of your
A wonderful way to greet the new day is to ask yourself “How can I be a better person today?” Then before
you fall asleep at night as yourself “What did I do that was better today?” Let go of the past–
You’ve been there and done that already. There is no need or value in re-living and experiencing negative
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Feeling peaceful and being calm is easy when you are in an environment of love. Earth is a school room and
this environment exposes us to many wanted and unwanted interactions with those we live with and encounter
daily. How quickly we can go from feeling good to being angry or impatient leading to a harsh exchange
of words. This is our life here and now and how we deal with obstacles, changes and challenges, is key to
our own physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Rules made by human beings do not over-ride God’s rules. Jesus did not obey or condone the rules of the land but followed his Heavenly Father’s to teach us all how to live in peace. Love and forgiveness was his powerful message and as followers of Jesus Christ we must
strive to do the same. Voices must not be silenced and it’s crucial that you speak up and not cower to
those who try to control you with fear tactics. Your soul is eternal and when you leave this World you
will go to your true Heavenly Home where only Pure Love, Joy, and Peace reside. Push away your worries
and concerns and open your Heart to Jesus instead. Your Faith, Belief, and Trust will get you through
these trying times. What would Jesus say? He would say “I Am With You All The Time!”

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